Open Update

The Open Update is Liberate Science's podcast series. Currently in it's second season, it has evolved from a weekly digest to an interview series.

The Open Update is Liberate Science's podcast series. Currently in it's third season, it has evolved from a weekly digest, to an interview series, to a conversational podcast.

Season 1 (January 2021-April 2022)

52 weekly episodes digesting the open science news. In this inaugural season, we learned more about podcast production and initiated our audience.

During this season we exceeded 2,000 listens, a great start to our podcasting journey!

Season 2 (May 2022-July 2022)

Our first interview season, instigated by the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. We interviewed ten guests over nine episodes:

  • Prof. dr. Brian Nosek
  • Dr. Samuel Moore
  • Iryna Kuchma
  • James Bridle
  • Dr. Tamarinde Haven
  • Dr. Wendy Ingram
  • Dr. Monica Granados
  • Meng Liu and Shilaan Alzahawi (from the FORRT Project)
  • Kaitlin Thaney

Season 3 (February 2023 - Present)

In season 3, Dr. Sarahanne Field and Chris Hartgerink discuss how power dynamics play into the evolving landscape of open research.

Join us on our open journey!